Skelmanthorpe Academy

Skelmanthorpe Academy

Elm Street, Skelmanthorpe, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 9DZ

01484 863306

School Milk/Meals

School Milk & Meals

School Milk should be paid on a termly basis; Autumn, Spring & Summer, via the Parentpay system.

Price per term is around £18

Pupil Premium pupils will need to apply for it. 

School Milk Link

School Meals should be paid on a weekly basis (or termly in advance) via the Parentpay system.

School meals are currently £2.75 per day

It is very important for all children to eat a healthy, balanced diet. .

All of our menus (see menu above) include:

  • Fresh seasonal fruit & vegetables
  • Local produce
  • Organic food items
  • Farm assured meat
  • Free range eggs
  • At least 75% freshly prepared
  • No undesirable additives
  • Sustainable fish

A freshly prepared salad bar is available each day as an optional extra.

Free School Meals

As part of the government’s Universal Free School Meals (UFSM) scheme, all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children in state-funded schools in England are entitled to free school meals.

There are two sittings, with school meals eaten in the school hall.

Packed Lunches

Other children bring a packed lunch to school. Currently children eating a packed lunch do so alongside children having a cooked school meal.

Parents are asked to send packed lunches in a suitable sandwich box or container.

For health & safety reasons hot food (such as soup in a flask), glass bottles, ring pull cans and fizzy drinks are not allowed. Sweets and other confectionary bars should not be included in the packed lunch.

More information can be found at:

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