Skelmanthorpe Academy

Skelmanthorpe Academy

Elm Street, Skelmanthorpe, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 9DZ

01484 863306



Learning Accord Multi Academy Trust - Policies 

 Data Retention Policy 23-25.pdfDownload
 Health, Safety and Well-Being Policy 23-24 Policy.pdfDownload
 LAMAT Attendance Policy.docxDownload
 LAMAT Complaints Policy 0124.doc.pdfDownload
 LAMAT Data Protection Policy 0124.pdfDownload
 LAMAT E-safety Policy 0124.pdfDownload
 LAMAT Equality Policy 0124.pdfDownload
 LAMAT Suspension and Exclusions Policy 2024_25.pdfDownload
 LAMAT Whistleblowing Policy 0124.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 10

Skelmanthorpe Academy - Policies

 Privacy Notice for Governance.docx.pdfDownload
 Privacy Notice Parent Carer Pupil.docxDownload
 Privacy Notice Staff.docxDownload
 Shelley Pyramid Attendance Policy 2021-2023 V2.docxDownload
 Skelmanthorpe Academy Admissions Policy 2023-24.pdfDownload
 Skelmanthorpe Academy Admissions Policy 2024 2025.pdfDownload
 Skelmanthorpe Academy Anti-Bullying and Child on Child Abuse Policy 2023-24.pdfDownload
 Skelmanthorpe Academy Charging And Remission Policy 2023-25.pdfDownload
 Skelmanthorpe Academy Equality Statement.pdfDownload
 Skelmanthorpe Academy Positive Behaviour Policy.docDownload
Showing 1-10 of 16

Should you require a copy of any of our policies, they are available from the school office, free of charge.

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