Skelmanthorpe Academy

Skelmanthorpe Academy

Elm Street, Skelmanthorpe, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 9DZ

01484 863306

Learning Accord Academy Trust

Learning Accord Academy Trust


Partnership Promoting Excellence


  • Church of England schools working in partnership with community schools
  • Preserving Distinctive Context for church and community schools
  • Commitment to achieving excellent for all pupils so that they can meet their full potential


  • To support and encourage the work of academies in Learning Accord Multi Academy Trust; promoting school improvement to ensure high standards for our pupils.


  • To ensure all Learning Accord academies are centres of excellent with a focus on nurture and achievement for all
  • To develop a strong culture of professional development amongst our teaching and support staff, building on personal strengths and providing effective support for career development
  • To promote high quality teaching and learning and effective support for pupils of all abilities in the pursuit of outstanding progress and attainment
  • To ensure Learning Accord academies welcome and celebrate diversity and provide a particular vocation to the least advantaged to enable all pupils to maximise their life chances 
  • To have high aspirations for all pupils and staff based on our educational heritage and culture making best use of research, pedagogy and child development


Learning Accord Multi Academy Trust Contact Information


CEO: Mrs Elaine Watson

CFO: Mrs G Falconer

Chair of Trustees: Ms G Hamer
Telephone: 01484 863306
Address: MAT HQ, Skelmanthorpe Academy, Nursery Building, Elm Street, Skelmanthorpe,  HD8 9DZ

Learning Accord Company Number 10261517




Learning Accord Trust Documents

 Master Funding Agreement.pdfDownload
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