Skelmanthorpe Academy

Skelmanthorpe Academy

Elm Street, Skelmanthorpe, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 9DZ

01484 863306



Parents are asked to support our School Uniform Policy by ensuring that their children wear appropriate items of clothing. School and Governors reserve the right to approach parents if it is felt that the Uniform Policy is not being supported.

We ask that all items of school uniform are clearly named and that parents check on a regular basis that the names are still legible. Some children have their names/initials embroidered on the backs of their school jumpers/cardigans and this is very helpful.

Most uniform items are readily available for purchase from local shops.

Jumpers and cardigans with the school logo can be ordered from;

Top Class School Wear                                                                           
Phone: 07966 239509
Order forms are available from the School Office.


Term Time Wear                                                                          
Phone: 01484 453534
Order forms are available from the School Office.

Uniform requirements

  • Grey skirts, pinafore dresses or smart grey school trousers, white blouses, white or red polo shirts, red school sweatshirts or cardigans with a Skelmanthorpe Academy logo on or plain red sweatshirt or cardigan,  white socks, red or grey tights. 
  • Red and white checked dresses or grey school shorts may be worn in the summer
  • Black shoes.  Appropriate sandals may be worn in the summer and flat black boots in the winter. No flip-flops, crocs or brightly coloured trainers please. 
  • Hair accessories should be minimal and discrete. Decorative hair braids with beads, large head bands or big bows, are not allowed for health and safety reasons.

P.E. Clothing

  • White t-shirts with a logo or a plain white t-shirt, plain black or navy shorts, black plimsolls or trainers. Also suitable outdoor PE kit for colder weather, e.g. a plain coloured tracksuit. No football kits please.

Children may be asked to wear their trainers during playtimes if their shoes or sandals are felt to pose a health and safety risk.


Swimming Kit (Year 5 pupils)

Year 5 children who have swimming lessons should bring their swimming kit into school on a Tuesday afternoon and take it home at the end of the day.

Girls must wear full costumes and boys proper swimming trunks. Children will be expected to wear a swimming hat.

The use of goggles is discouraged by Kirklees School Swimming Service, other than in exceptional circumstances.


For health and safety reasons, children are not allowed to wear jewellery in school; this includes friendship bracelets, charity bands, braiding beads etc.

Children with pierced ears may wear discrete stud earrings but they must be able to remove these themselves for PE lessons. If they are unable to remove them by themselves, they should not be worn on PE or sporting activity days.

Watches should be appropriate for school wear and should be worn responsibly and sensibly.

Book Bags

We ask that all the children have a book bag. Red book bags with the school logo can be purchased from the unfirorm suppliers.

Children should bring their book bag to school every day. As book bags are also used for letters home, parents are asked to check their contents and to clear them out on a regular basis.

Children are asked not to put drinks or food in their book bags.

At the teacher’s discretion, parents will be asked to replace any spoilt reading books.

Lost property

There is a lost property box in school. Items of lost or unnamed property are regularly displayed in the school corridor.

We ask for parents’ support in ensuring that all items of school uniform are clearly named so that they can be returned to their owner.

At the end of the school year, unclaimed items of lost property in good condition will be contributed to FOTS second-hand uniform sales, may be given to other parents, taken to a local charity shop or donated to the Uniform Exchange Programme.

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