Skelmanthorpe Academy

Skelmanthorpe Academy

Elm Street, Skelmanthorpe, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 9DZ

01484 863306

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health and Wellbeing


'Nurturing children from the inside out'

At Skelmanthorpe Academy, we highly value supporting the mental health and wellbeing of all our children, parents, families and staff.

The following links all provide access to a variety of resources that may be useful to better understand your child, particularly if their mood has changed and you are not entirely certain why: 


Local Support Providers

I Want To Talk - Young People | Northorpe Hall Child and Family Trust Kirklees

Escayp - Emotional Support for Children and Young People  

Safety Rangers - Yorkshire Children's Centre

Northorpe Hall Child and Family Trust Workshops

Young Peoples and Adults Mental Health | Wellbeing and Mental Health Service for all | Kirklees SEND Local Offer

Locala Sensory Occupational Therapy Service - Information For Parents

 PCAN - Parents of Children with Additional Needs Making a Difference in Kirklees

The Endorphins Group - Inclusive Children and Youth Groups


Wellbeing Websites

NHS - Talking To Your Child About Feelings


YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families

NHS - 5 Steps To Mental Wellbeing

MindEd For Families


Additional Needs (SEND)

Kirklees SEND information, advice and Support


West Yorkshire ADHD Support Group

Kirklees SEND information, advice and Support

The Huddersfield Support Group for Autism (HSGA)

The Whole Autism Family


Sleeping Difficulties 

Learn about early years sleeping patterns | Early Years in Mind | Anna Freud Centre

Children - The Sleep Charity



Anxiety in early years children | Early Years In Mind | Anna Freud Centre

What is Anxiety? | Symptoms of Anxiety & Getting Help


Separation Anxiety

How to help with separation anxiety | Early Years in Mind | Anna Freud Centre


Low Self-Esteem

NHS - Raising low self-esteem

Your Child's Self-Esteem (for parents) - Nemours KidsHealth

YoungMinds - Self-Esteem & Mental Health | Guide For Parents


Depression In Children

Depression in children and young people


Aggression In Children

Aggression in early years children | Early Years In Mind | Anna Freud Centre

Eating Disorders

NHS - Overview-Eating Disorders


Suicidal Thoughts

YoungMinds - Suicidal Thoughts | Suicidal Ideation Signs & Symptoms


Bereavement Support

Winston's Wish - Supporting A Bereaved Child

Child Bereavement UK - Supporting bereaved children and young people

Cruse - Bereavement support

Puddle Jumping: how children can seem to move in and out of their grief | Child Bereavement UK

The Invisible Suitcase: understanding grief and how to manage it | Child Bereavement UK

Useful documents:

 Chill-N-Chat sessions.jpgDownload
 March Action For Happiness Calendar 2023.pdfDownload
 Skelmanthorpe Academy Emotional Health and Wellbeing policy-22-23.docxDownload
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