Skelmanthorpe Academy

Skelmanthorpe Academy

Elm Street, Skelmanthorpe, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 9DZ

01484 863306



Vision statement and intent

At Skelmanthorpe Academy, the intent for Science is to provide a curriculum that inspires curiosity, develops critical thinking and fosters a passion for scientific exploration. The school aims to ensure that all pupils acquire a deep understanding of key scientific concepts and develop the necessary skills to question investigate and evaluate the world around them. The intent is ingrained in the schools overall vision providing a high quality education which promotes a love of learning and nurturing future scientist and innovators


SEND in the Science curriculum

Working memory limitations correlate strongly with pupils’ performance in science. The curriculum is not narrowed for pupils with SEND, nor is it assumed that they will learn better through practical work. It is recognised that this can actually lead to cognitive overload and distraction rather that provide clarity and understanding.  When knowledge is broken down into key components and organised sequentially, it can help all learners to succeed.

 The curriculum at Skelmanthorpe Academy is designed to be ambitious for all pupils and high expectations are set for all subjects.

The sequential delivery of units and information, means that the children experience learning in chunks which do not overload the working memory, allowing pupils to build on and secure past knowledge.

Pedagogy of learning is key and individual knowledge of the SEND learners plays a part in how the curriculum can be adapted so that pupils with SEND are not disadvantaged.

This information is based on research reports carried out by OFSTED and how schools can best support pupils with SEND in accessing the curriculum.

 Science Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement.pdfDownload
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Skelmanthorpe Academy's Science long Term Plan


Medium Term Planning - Year 1

 Medium Term Plan - Year one - The Human Body.docxDownload
 Medium term plan - Year One - Materials.docxDownload
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Medium Term Planning - Year 2

 Medium Term Plan - Year one - The Human Body.docxDownload
 Medium term plan - Year One - Materials.docxDownload
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Medium Term Planning - Year 3-4

 Medium Term Plan - Year 3 - Skeletons.docx.pdfDownload
 Medium Term Plan- Year 2-3- Rocks.docx.pdfDownload
 Medium Term Plan- Year 2-3- Soil.docx.pdfDownload
 Medium Term Plan- Year2-3- Nutrition and Diet.docx.pdfDownload
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Medium Term Planning - Year 3-4

 Medium Term Plan - Year 4 - Group and Classify Living Things.docx.pdfDownload
 Medium Term Plan - Year 4 - Electricity.pdfDownload
 Medium Term Plan - Year 4 - Sound.docx.pdfDownload
 Medium Term Plan - Year 4 - States of Matter.docx.pdfDownload
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Medium Term Planning Year 4-5

 Medium Term Plan - Year 4-5 - Forces.pdfDownload
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